Meditation is Amazing

Meditation is Amazing




You don’t need
Candles, Crystal
A yoga mat or a dark room
You don’t need for your hair & nails to be done
Or even much time
Just an intentional moment
To breath
& Peacefully
With closed eyes
dropped shoulders
& An open heart
To come from the mistakes and regret of the past
& the uncertainty of the future
To this moment
Bring your attention to this moment where you are ok
In this moment, there’s no judgement, shame, or guilt
& if you can’t clear your mind
Take this time to remember
You are amazing
You are enough
You are loved, loving and loveable
You will be ok
This is meditation
And meditation is amazing

Thank you to @thichnhathanh @alternativesorg @sharma_pillay @redlipsticktribe @mybaobablearningfor helping me to deepen my practice in this


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